Since a couple of decades, authors are running towards the vanishing student motivations. They have applied a large amount of teaching tools or methods as the slide rule, overhead projector, programmable calculator, software, internet, moodle and supervised projects. Project based learning is one of them. Initially used in an Erasmus background, that is placement in a foreign partner university for three months, the project based learning technique is now applied in projects supervised by local teachers. The main goal is to increase the autonomy of students. The paper deals with one project in connection with robotics and using the modern MOOC technique. The term MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. A free access to the course is done by the internet. At the Valenciennes Institute of Technology, some supervised projects are focusing on electronics, process control, physics, maths or electrotechnics applied to robotics. The Lego Mindstorms NXT or an homemade solar tracker rover or the French NAO humanoid make up the working platforms. Every use of any platform should gather and apply the knowledge of the previous domains. The students have to balance their mind from theory to application. Mainly, they should identify the required knowledge, and thus learn it, understand it and apply it by their own. As working alone seems a challenge, the difficulty can be fixed by the reverse learning technique. In particular the Massive Online Open Course, MOOC in short offers a new way to make students more autonomous. One example of a recent MOOC experiment given here has been done in the robotics framework. It proposes first to work in a theoretical domain laying on hard sciences then to apply the new concepts using a Matlab software or building and programming a Lego object by the way an intelligent arm. The MOOC concerns here over ten thousand worldwide participants. In the Institute of Technology, two groups have been formed for the MOOC. A local one is composed of six students from first year course in Electrical Engineering domain. Four Finnish students in second grade in Information Technology course form the second group. Their three months stay in France has been possible thanks to the Erasmus+ students exchange. In France, the students have been working and supervising weekly by teachers in Maths, Mechanics, Control and English language all the MOOC long. In Finland students worked by their own. The positive behaviour of students working in total autonomy is significant for the first module. The second module is requiring closer help by local supervisors. A final survey given to the students after the last session confirms the teachers feeling. This experiment should be renewed next academic year.