User information Analysis for Energy Consumption Optimization in Mobile Systems.
Personal and mobile computing systems appear as one ofthe most important segment of the electronic market andthey are rapidly becoming the central device for process-ing and for communication. Managing energy efficiently isparamount in modern smartphones. With an intelligent en-ergy management, important benefits such as system relia-bility and augmentation of battery life can be obtained. Inthese systems, power goes mainly to the processing elementsand Input/Output (IO) subsystems like communication pe-ripherals, LCD display and microphone. In this paper, wepropose a new approach that exploits user’s informations,habits and behaviours to adapt energy consumption. Ourapproach makes use of Inputs Libraries (ILs) and ActuatorsLibraries (ALs) in order to manage screen brightness andspeaker audio level. Experimental results on Windows 8.1has shown that with our approach, we save about 30% of theenergy consumption of the whole system with a negligibleoverhead.