A Method to Compute Efficient 3d Helicopters Flight Trajectories Based on a Motion Polymorph-Primitives Algorithm.
Finding the optimal 3D path of an aerial vehicle underflight mechanics constraints is a major challenge, especially whenthe algorithm has to produce real time results in flight. Kinematicsmodels and Pythagorian Hodograph curves have been widely usedin mobile robotics to solve this problematic. The level of difficultyis mainly driven by the number of constraints to be saturated at thesame time while minimizing the total length of the path. In this paper,we suggest a pragmatic algorithm capable of saturating at the sametime most of dimensioning helicopter 3D trajectories’ constraintslike: curvature, curvature derivative, torsion, torsion derivative, climbangle, climb angle derivative, positions. The trajectories generationalgorithm is able to generate versatile complex 3D motion primitivesfeasible by a helicopter with parameterization of the curvature and theclimb angle. An upper ”motion primitives’ concatenation” algorithmis presented based. In this article we introduce a new way of designingthree-dimensional trajectories based on what we call the ”Dubinsgliding symmetry conjecture”. This extremely performing algorithmwill be soon integrated to a real-time decisional system dealing withinflight safety issues