Online adaptation of the authority level for shared lateral control of driver steering assist system using dynamic output feedback controller
This paper is devoted to the development of a shared lateral control strategy for a Driver Steering Assist System (DSAS) that can share the authority with the driver. Up to now, this control issue is still an open research subject in automotive industry due to the complex interactions according to different driving situations between the Human (driver) and the Machine (DSAS). In this work, such interactions are handled by introducing into the vehicle system a fictive time-varying term representing the driver activity. In this way, the actions of the DSAS are computed in function of the driver behaviors (actions and intentions). Using Takagi-Sugeno control technique in the framework of Lyapunov stability theorem, the designed controller is able to handle a large range of variation of vehicle longitudinal speed. Moreover, the proposed controller requires only measured output signals for the design procedure and implementation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with different driving scenarios.