Multimedia systems used during computer-aided lectures
This aim of this paper is to present an approach for designing and evaluating a pedagogic multimedia product; this product is related to providing multimedia assistance to lecturers in classrooms. In this context, the assistant system is seen as an extension of traditional pedagogic means. The research framework is an educational context with the presence of a lecturer, using an advanced multimedia application. The design and evaluation approach is comprised of a set of stages that are conventional in the Software Engineering field. In parallel with these stages, evaluation stages are developed according to three facets: (1) a priori evaluation, (2) evaluation during the production stage, (3) a posteriori evaluation during usage in situation. This process has been used in an academic project carried out within a training program for Multimedia designers. This project (called “Thermique”) concerns a course related to the principles of infrared thermography. In the final stage, the emphasis is placed on the analysis of data collected during the evaluation a posteriori. Emphasis is also placed on the difficulty of extracting significant parameters related to the impact of a multimedia product.