Knowledge management for sustainable performance in industrial maintenance
Even if the concept of sustainable performance appeared fifteen years ago under the terms "triple bottom line" its application remains marginal in the operational management of companies. In this context, the maintenance stage is known to have a great impact on economic, environmental and social performances, as demonstrates the place reserved for maintenance in the "circular economy" concept (see However, the industrial practices in the management of maintenance activity, never cover jointly the three dimensions of its impacts. One of the main reasons of this is the knowledge management in maintenance. This leads us to explore this reasons through an overview of the knowledge required and coming from maintenance decisions, and to highlight the scientific obstacles that should be locked up in an approach of prognostics and sustainability management, by extension of the scientific works on Prognostics and Health Management (see We finally propose a first track of solution in order to raise these obstacles in the domain of ontology. This framework is mainly based on ontology and process mining concepts