Two-stage heuristic algorithm for the large-scale capacitated location routing problem
In this paper, we treat the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem(CLRP).TheCLRPwhichcombinesthefacilitylocationproblemwiththeroutingproblem is one of the most important problems in combinatorial optimizationfield. In this study, we propose a new Two Stage Heuristic (2-SH) algorithmfor the large-scale CLRP. In fact, our aim is to find high-quality solutions forvery large-scale problems within a short computing time. The proposed methodconsists of two major stages. In the first, the routing sub-problem is solved usinga Tabu Search. Then, in the second stage, to associate each route to a facility, thelocation-allocation sub-problem is treated by means of a Simulated Annealingmethod. Our proposed approach is evaluated on large-scale randomly generatedinstances and compared successfully with other two state-of-the-art algorithmsfrom the literature