Power Cycling Reliability of Power Module: A Survey
Electronic devices using semiconductors such as insulated-gate bipolar transistors, metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors, and diodes are extensively used in electrical traction applications such as locomotive, elevators, subways, and cars. The long-term reliability of such power modules is then highly demanded, and their main reliability criterion is their power cycling capability. Thus, a power cycling test is the most important reliability test for power modules. This test consists in periodically applying a current to a device mounted onto a heat sink. This leads to power loss in the entire module and results in a rise in the semiconductor temperature. In this paper, the different kinds of semiconductors and power modules used for traction applications are described. Experimental and simulation methods employed for power cycling tests are presented. Modules' weak points and fatigue processes are pointed out. Then, a detailed statistical review of publications from 1994 to 2015 dealing with power cycling is presented. This review gives a clear overview of all studies dealing with power cycling that were carried out until now. It reveals the principal trends in power electronic devices and highlights the main reliability issues for which an important lack of knowledge remains.