Friction and Wear in Metal Forming: 25 Years at LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201
Since the beginning of the 90’s, research activities focused on friction and wear in metal forming have been developed at the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 in Valenciennes. Specific methodologies have been designed to optimize a given forming process (bulk forming process or sheet forming process). These methodologies involve prototype benches which have been built to reproduce contact conditions encountered in manufacturing plants by taking specimens and contactors from the real industrial workpieces and tools. The evaluation of the friction coefficient added to the fine analysis of the surfaces have helped us to better understand friction and wear during processes. These facilities have been settled by numerical simulation at meso and macro scales by means of finite element methods. So, this paper is the sum up of the output of these methodologies with a specific focus on wear and lubrication, at room and hot temperatures.