Multi-user interferences in ultra wide band system based on Modified Gegenbauer functions and M-OAM modulation
This paper studies the effect of multi-user interferences in the Impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) system based on the Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation (M-OAM). Indeed in previous work, we proposed to use original modulation schemes called Orthogonal Amplitude Modulation (M-OAM) in order to improve data rate. This proposal is based on the use of original mathematical tools called Modified Gegenbauer function (MGF), derived from orthogonal polynomials. These studies were simulated and evaluated for the synchronous case between transmitter and receiver in AWGN channel. It should be noted that other previous studies used the orthogonality of MGF waveforms to achieve the multiple access but with conventional UWB modulation. Target applications concern two areas of applications: Multimedia communication systems and Intelligent Transport, especially T2I (Trains / Infrastructure) or V2V (Inter-Vehicle) communications. In our case, we apply the new modulation schemes M-OAM, with new multiple access technique to construct an original UWB system for intelligent transportation with very high data rate, a maximum number of users and good performances.