Simplified model for the prediction of the occurrence of film atomization in corner geometries
A simple model has been developed in the current study to predict the occurrence of the atomization on uniform, shear-driven films flowing around corner geometries. Those types of flows are encountered very often in several engineering applications. It is important for the design of those applications to know in advance if the films will get atomized or not at the vicinity of the corner edge for given flow conditions. The simplified atomization model (SAM) proposed here is based on a control volume analysis taking into account both the properties of the mean film and the characteristics of the waves. Except from the theoretical work, experimental investigation has been performed for different flow conditions including the critical ones. The aim of the experimental campaign is to collect various information concerning the film atomization in corner edges in order to understand better that process and assess the assumptions made during the derivation of the model. The experimental results are also useful to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed simplified model. Taking into account the measurement uncertainties, the first comparison shows that the model gives reasonable predictions for the occurrence of the film atomization in several flow conditions underestimating slightly the onset of droplet generation.