Selection of operator support systems across modes
This Deliverable provides an outline of the process involved in task 2.2 of the ITERATE project forselecting an appropriate set of hypotheses to be tested inWorkpackages 3 (Experimental design andscenario specification), and 4 (Experimental studies).During a workshop with all partners involved in the project, hypotheses were formulated for thethree main system functionalities outlined in D2.1: those that support speed management (SpeedManagement), systems that support system object detection and avoidance (Collision Avoidance)and those that monitor operator state (Operator State). In formulating these hypotheses, partnerswere encouraged to consider systematically the effect of operator state and different operatorgroups on interaction with these three systems. To allow succinct formulation of hypotheses, fouroperator based parameters which are thought to affect operator behaviour with the system, wereidentified: sensation-seeking, hazard perception, fatigue and (high and low) task demand. Informulating hypotheses, partnerswere encouraged to consider the whole process linking a cause toan effect, with a clear mechanism that would link the two.