Generating new classes of fixed-time stable systems with predefined upper bound for the settling time
This paper aims to provide a methodology for generating autonomous and non-autonomous systems with a fixed-time stable equilibrium point where an Upper Bound of the Settling Time (UBST) is set a priori as a parameter of the system. Furthermore, some conditions for such an upper bound to be the least one are provided. This construction procedure is a relevant contribution compared with traditional methodologies for generating fixed-time algorithms satisfying time constraints since current estimates of an UBST may be too conservative. The proposed methodology is based on time-scale transformations and Lyapunov analysis. It allows the presentation of a broad class of fixed-time stable systems with predefined UBST, placing them under a common framework with existing methods using time-varying gains. To illustrate the effectiveness of our approach, we generate novel, autonomous and non-autonomous, fixed-time stable algorithms with predefined least UBST.