Sorting Algorithms on ARM Cortex A9 Processor
Sorting is considered as one of the most well-known problems in the computer world. It is a common process among several application areas, such as real time decision support systems and intelligent transport applications. In this paper, we propose a software implementation for different sorting algorithms, such as InsertionSort, QuickSort, HeapSort, ShellSort, MergeSort and TimSort on the Zynq Zedboard platform. In addition, the performance of the different algorithms are compared in terms of averages and standard-deviation of computational time, energy consumption and stability. As demonstrated by the experimental results, the ShellSort is 42.1% faster and can even reach 72% when running on the ARM Cortex A9 processor mainly if the number of elements (n) to be sorted is greater than 64. Otherwise, TimSort is the best algorithm. Also, ShellSort is the best algorithm in terms of standard-deviation of computational times and energy consumption.