Sources of Video Mapping: a “Proto-narrativity” of a Musical Nature?
Aux sources du vidéomapping : une « proto-narrativité » de nature musicale ?
This chapter retraces the first steps of ongoing research taking place in the Video Mapping European Center, in participation with the DeVisu laboratory: a project dedicated to video mapping. The purpose of this project is to study the “narrative forms of writing” and the creative processes mobilized by various video mapping productions. The chapter highlights the importance of rhythm and a transmodal proto-narrativity that is embodied in both sound and gesture. Research on “proto-conversational” exchanges between parents and babies (vocalizations between mother and infant) shows, according to Maya Gratier, that they promote the development of a specific vocal and expressive competence, a temporal competence that allows the child to take part in social exchanges. Jean-Jacques Nattiez reminds us that the conversation between mother and child is carried out according to a musical proto-narrativity using intensity, rhythm and form, fundamentally transmodal parameters.