Channel shortening equalizer based on SVD decomposition in UWB systems
In this paper, we present a novel channel shortening equalizer (CSE) based on the adaptation of energy optimization method on CSE using singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm in UWB channel with time hopping (TH) and pulse position modulation (PPM). The validity of proposed method as applied to channel IEEE 802.15.3a to suppress interference inter symbol (ISI) and to simultaneously simplifies the Rake receiver architecture by significantly reducing the number of channel taps. We further extend our method to derive general expression for the bit error rate (BER) performance in the presence of multipath channel. We compare the performance of the proposed method with a MSSNR TEQ, lower bound [also known as All-Rake], Partial-Rake, and Selective-Rake in terms of channel shortening and BER. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of the Rake receiver and considerably reduces its structure complexity.